Mike Pantling
Rajkumar Swami
Rajkumar Swami
August 15, 2022
Team feedback
Thank you for investing your (name of program related to uni) program with Kishman Solutions. We are very impressed by what your students have to offer. This is an excellent opertunity for Canadian graduates to get hands on experience and knowledge of Canadian businesses. Team of McMaster MBA studnets have successfully delivered and presented to us the out come of their findings on after studying our two products @McMaster Thank you for investing your (Social Media Marketing) project (an course study Program)with Kishman Solutions. We are very impressed by what your students have to offer. This is an excellent opertunity for Canadian graduates to get hands on experience and knowledge of Canadian businesses. Alicia Kate, Mike Pantling and Namjoo (Jennifer) Bang together participated in this study project.
Microsoft word Marketing Sales Microsoft excel Microsoft powerpoint Boosting Auditing
McMaster University Continuing Education
Competitor and Market Analysis of Consumer Appeals
McMaster University Continuing Education
KishMan Solutions
Social Media Marketing
KishMan Solutions
Brian McColgan
Chief Technology Officer
August 1, 2022
Team feedback
The final report was very well put together and addressed most of the comments provided. It did help our company 'confirm' our hypothesis that the approach for our product(s) were/are sound - so we take comfort in knowing that the effort expended did provide some incremental value for our organization, while providing the students an opportunity to further their knowledge, skills, etc.
Target market Competitive analysis Market potential Market intelligence Blind spot monitor Market size Selling techniques Research Non-disclosure agreement (intellectual property law)
McMaster University Continuing Education
Marketing New Products for a Consumer Brand
McMaster University Continuing Education
Ardun Technologies
Market Potential Analysis/Assessment - Aftermarket Automotive Accessories
Ardun Technologies